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Hi, I'm Aisling!


Welcome to my blog!


Below you can find Career Coaching hints and tips along with some previous blog posts around wellbeing.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in contact on my Career Coaching website here:


I look forward to hearing from you. 


Thank you for reading,


WhatsApp Image 2020-04-04 at

The Key to Happiness…

I am currently reading the "Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. For those who have read it before may find it inspiring and awakening, some...

No more "can't"!!

Recently I’ve been thinking about how much we have been told we can’t do something and so often we accept it and don’t do what our hearts...

The Value of Time

I’ve been thinking a lot about time and the value we place on it. It is becoming increasingly difficult in today’s world to have much...

Phone addicts

I've been trying to assess the level of reliance we have on our phones due to recent experiences. In a previous post I spoke about the...

Managing Anxiety

Anxiety can be triggered in us all and I don’t doubt we’ve all experienced it in some form or another. When I used to read stories of...

The Impact of People Pleasing

I speak for the majority when I say we are a nation of people pleasers. We may not realise but it has a bigger impact on our wellbeing...

Enjoy the little things

We take so much for granted and we are doing so unconsciously. It’s rare that you can look around and not see at least one person...


As we start 2019 we feel we need to make changes and set goals. We start thinking of what we need to change, how to get there. Exercise...

Social Media Pressure

The pressure of Social Media impacts our wellbeing more than we know. We are constantly switched on, never spending time with our own...


Stress. We have all experienced stress in some form. There are so many pressures put on us today it's almost impossible not to. We want...


Hi, my name is Aisling! Welcome to my mental health and well-being blog. I’ve decided to write this blog to help share the techniques...

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