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Hi, I'm Aisling!


Welcome to my blog!


Below you can find Career Coaching hints and tips along with some previous blog posts around wellbeing.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in contact on my Career Coaching website here:


I look forward to hearing from you. 


Thank you for reading,


WhatsApp Image 2020-04-04 at

Change your Mindset

Do you ever have one of those days where EVERYTHING goes wrong? I hear you. I've had one of those days recently where one thing spiralled...

5 top tips to Overcome Inaction

Life can be extremely busy. You have a thousand things to do in a day, cook, eat, work, clean, exercise etc. and by the time it comes...

5 top tips for defining your career path

Whether you’ve recently started out in your career or are 20+ years in, there’s always a time when we ask ourselves the question, is this...

5 top tips to ace that interview!

You’ve been called for an interview for that dream job. You don’t know where to start with prep and you’re beginning to become really...

5 top tips for a job application process!

You’ve decided to change jobs but not you’re not sure where to begin. Don't worry, we've all been there. To help you, I’ve put together...

5 top tips to achieve your goals!

· Do you find yourself in a job where you’re not sure where you are going? · Have you looked at your Career or Life goals and realised...

Starting a side hustle.

Welcome back to Aisling Healy Career Coaching. Today's post will cover starting a side hustle and some hints & tips to help you if you're...

My new business

Hi I’m Aisling. I’m writing this post as I have finally decided to chase my dreams and I want you to join in on the journey. I quit my...

Week 2 Lockdown Learning

As week 2 in isolation has come to an end, I'm really missing seeing these doggies! Dogs are just the best. I've also been reflecting on...

Lock down learning...

It’s been a week since we went into partial lock down. At first, I was very nervous and struggled to get into a routine. Earlier this...

St. Patrick's Day 2020

This was a very different Patrick’s Day than any I’ve ever remembered. Usually the day is full of hustle and bustle, festivities parades,...

My stay-home survival tips!

It’s been 4 days since Ireland were told to shut down the schools, colleges and creches. I must admit I was very taken aback by this news...

Self-Care Sunday!

I got up this morning, turned on some Jazz music (as opposed to the TV which has the potential to suck me in to binge watching!), had...

How do we do it all?

Last week I had a bad week as I didn’t achieve any of the goals I set out for a week. Work was busy, a few personal issues arose, I was...

Goal Setting

January has arrived and almost gone; we’ve created an ideal list of what we want to achieve by the end of the year. We were excited...

Things don't always go to plan....

We’re well into the new year, we’ve loads of plans for the year ahead of what it looks like, what we want to achieve and where we want to...

New Year, New Me!

So, we’ve overcome yet another year. 2019 is gone and we’ve begun 2020, a new year and a new decade! Some people don’t believe in new...

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