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Writer's pictureAisling Healy

My stay-home survival tips!

It’s been 4 days since Ireland were told to shut down the schools, colleges and creches. I must admit I was very taken aback by this news and just felt overall on edge all the time. I started working from home on Friday and was thinking this is it for the foreseeable. As I work in HR, I was able to see the many different ways it has affected it people and how scared and vulnerable it made everyone feel in going about their daily lives.

I spent the weekend kind of moping around to be honest in shock of the situation but as I reflected today, I have thought up of ways to change my mindset on this completely. I started today and already feel a lot more positive and less…. mopey!

1. I still recognise this is a very serious situation we are in and I completely support the measures that have been put in place and actively reinforce the guidelines that have been set. I would encourage everyone to do the same, don’t dismiss this as it is so important in helping each other.

2. I made a timetable to put structure in my day. As I’m working from home, I’ve kept the same start time that I would arrive in the office at. I’m maintaining the breaks I would take if I were in the office. I would advise to stick to your normal routine as much as possible as it gives structure to your day.

3. I have found this time at home, cutting out the commute etc. has given me 2 – 3 extra hours in my day. I am going to use them wisely. All those things I kept saying I must do but usually fell by the wayside due to tiredness, social activities, the inability to juggle them all. So here I am writing some blog posts and trying to create as many as I can that I always have in my mind to make and share. I am playing my guitar and making music (proof in the photo attached!). I have time etched in this week for painting (I got an easel for Christmas a few years ago and I’ve done a grand total of 3 paintings!). I bought 3 books in anticipation for the further self-isolation ahead.

Do those things you kept putting off and really wanted to do. Write stories, read books, paint, draw, dance, binge watch Netflix. Do whatever you want to do (indoors!) and embrace it.

4. I’ve decided to cut my time on social media and news intake. I’ve scheduled a Covid-19 check in once a day for 6.01 news and a bit later to check in on the current cases and the rise if any. But I’ve found I have to limit the consumption as it was leaving me feeling nervous each time I was reading a new update in the news or online throughout the day and evening. Stay informed but don’t overindulge. It creates anxiety which doesn’t help anyone or anything and certainly won’t change the situation so try to switch off.

5. Making time for mediation, yoga, and exercise. I’m constantly trying to build this into my daily routine and now is a good way to make this a habit so that I continue doing it when we do go back to work etc. It also allows time for inspiration for new ideas, what’s important to you in life, and reinforce what you feel grateful for. Also (if it’s still safe to do so) go out for a walk-in open space and straight home. The fresh air will do you good.

I’m aiming to stick to the above and maybe add some and ride out this time in isolation.

What are you doing to get through these times?

Thank you for reading,


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1 Comment

Mark Fox
Mar 16, 2020

Those are really great tips and help a lot! Tip No.5 is my favourite! 😊

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