Stress. We have all experienced stress in some form. There are so many pressures put on us today it's almost impossible not to. We want to work, be successful in our careers, be healthy, get enough sleep, fit in hobbies, spend time with family and friends. We are constantly juggling and the result is feeling overwhelmed.
I am a strong believer that stress is the cause of many illnesses. I know some people may be sceptical but I hear so many people exclaim
“but they were so healthy, how did they become ill?”
They may have been healthy by the book; exercised a few times a week, ate their "5 a day" and maybe didn't drink but did anyone ever consider their mental health as a contributor? How stressed/anxious/burnt out they felt on a daily basis? No, because we still don’t fully understand the connection between mental and physical health.
What happens when your body get stressed? You tense up. It’s all you can think about. Your chest feels heavy. Your stomach feels sick. It's not good for you.
Today, take time and consider are you really ok? Or are you in a world of rushing around and haven't had time to think about it? If you are feeling under pressure may be try some of these steps that work for me:
1. Breathe. Huge breath into the lungs and out, repeated a few times. It really helps to let the calm come in.
2. Write it down. Grab a notebook and jot down the reasons that come to mind that has you feeling like this. How can you tackle it? Is it something you can change? If yes, write down your plan. If it's something you can't change, make peace with it. It's out of your control there is nothing you can do and you have to accept it.
3. Meditate. There are great mindfulness apps out there such as a "Calm" or "Headspace" or simply type into youtube "meditation music" and take some time out. Let your thoughts float away and focus on your breathing.
4. Talk to someone. Talk to someone if you feel you need to. There are many Employee Assistance Programmes that employers sponsor that you may have in your Company. It's completely confidential and some great services are offered. If you don't have it maybe you can enquire? There is a free service with Samaritans; phone 116 123 if you are feeling down. Maybe even seek out a friend or family member, people will want to help.
5. Go for a walk. If you can, try get outside and get some fresh air every day. You will be able to clear your mind and release those endorphins which also trigger a positive feeling in the body.
It’s not easy but you need to train your mind. It’s a muscle like any other and it needs training. Try it. You need to spend time with yourself and with your thoughts. Don’t block them out as it doesn’t work but don’t let them drown you. Face them, understand them and make a plan of what your next steps are.
In my next posts, I am going to talk about topics that I feel are putting unnecessary pressures on us and how to combat them.
Let me know what techniques work for you and if the above techniques are useful for you by commenting below. Also, don't forget to Subscribe to my mailing list to be notified when I post a new blog.
Thanks for reading,